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NET CONNECT Update from ENETS 2020 #1

NET CONNECT Update from ENETS 2020 #1

Asst. Prof. Mauro Cives

NET CONNECT has summarised highlights from the recent ENETS 2020 virtual meeting for you. A summary of Organoid Models of Neuroendocrine Cell Growth and Tumorigenesis, Mutational Landscape of High-Grade GEP-NEN G3 and the ASPEN study by Dr. Mauro Cives, University of Bari, Italy
Portrait of Mauro Cives
Asst. Prof. Mauro Cives

Medical Oncologist

University of Bari


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time | open 5 min | Mar 2020

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NET CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Ipsen and from Eisai Europe Limited.

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