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Improving knowledge and changing behaviour

Within a continuously changing healthcare environment, it is vitally important for healthcare professionals to stay up-to-date with the fast-paced developments in medical science. Independent Medical Education plays a critical role in supporting physicians, healthcare authorities and other major players to stay current.

There is a growing requirement for Independent Medical Education, with a focus on high-quality, independent medical education programmes. Evidence shows that high-quality Independent Medical Education improves clinical practice and outcomes1.

1. Farrow S et al. Setting CME standards in Europe: guiding principles for medical education. CMRO 2012; 28(11): 1861-71

COR2ED is a member of the Good CME Practice (gCMEp) group that aims to work with CME accreditors to provide continuing medical education that is balanced, appropriate, effective and transparent.

Translating science into clinical practice

COR2ED delivers high quality Independent Medical Education to help improve the health of patients globally. In all educational activities, the understanding of complex science is translated into the context of daily clinical practice.

COR2ED programmes support healthcare professionals in enabling them to recognise the adjustments necessary in their clinical practice for the benefit of patients.

Meet our team

Click on our team member’s location to learn more about them.


Portrait of Antoine Lacombe
Antoine Lacombe

Co-Founder and Managing Director


Portrait of Froukje Sosef
Froukje Sosef

Co-Founder, Medical Director, and Data Protection Officer


Management team

Portrait of Elaine Wills
Elaine Wills

Operations Director

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Kim Grootscholten
Kim Grootscholten

Education Director & Scientific Lead


Jose Santos
José Santos

Technology Director


Iain Murdoch
Iain Murdoch

Strategy Director & Programme Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Programme Leads

Portrait of Carrie Brubaker
Carrie Brubaker

Programme Lead


Portrait of Louise Handbury
Louise Handbury

Programme Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Veronica Thomlinson
Veronica Thomlinson

Programme Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Sam Brightwell
Sam Brightwell

Programme Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Peter Wallich
Peter Wallich

Programme Lead


Iain Murdoch
Iain Murdoch

Strategy Director & Programme Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Programme Managers and Co-Ordinators

Portrait of Virginie Morlet
Virginie Morlet

Programme Lead and Programme Coordinator


Portrait of Janis Mien
Janis Mien

Programme Coordinator

United Kingdom (UK)

Laura Buckley Portrait
Laura Buckley

Programme Manager

United Kingdom (UK)

Scientific Leads

Portrait of Ewen Legg
Ewen Legg

Scientific Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Kim Grootscholten
Kim Grootscholten

Education Director & Scientific Lead


Portrait of Tracey Gashi
Tracey Gashi

Scientific Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Mahir Karabara
Mahir Karababa

Scientific Lead


Portrait of Daniel Salamon
Daniel Salamon

Scientific Lead

United Kingdom (UK)

Medical Writers

Portrait of Daniel Guns
Daniel Guns

Scientific Editor

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Janet Davies
Janet Davies

Medical Writer and Scientific Editor


Portrait of Jean-Louis Gayet
Jean-Louis Gayet

Medical Writer


Scientific Editors

Portrait of Howard Donahue
Howard Donahue

Scientific Editor

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Daniel Guns
Daniel Guns

Scientific Editor

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Janet Davies
Janet Davies

Medical Writer and Scientific Editor


Information Technology

Moisés García

Platform Support Specialist


Portrait of Nuria Estrada Jiménez
Nuria Estrada Jiménez

Technical Manager


Jose Santos
José Santos

Technology Director



Portrait of Alexandre Do Dinh
Alexandre Do Dinh

Chief Financial Officer


Executive Coach

Picture of Ronald van Westering
Ronald van Westering

Executive coach


Why choose us

COR2ED has consistently delivered high quality and impactful independent medical education programmes since 2012. The COR2ED team brings a depth of pharmaceutical industry expertise and a breadth of understanding that enables each medical education programme to unlock the latest scientific insights for the benefit of patients globally.

cor2ed cor2ed

COR2ED is a company that cares about the environment. We believe that even the smallest of changes to how we work and behave can have a big impact on our environment and the future of our precious planet for generations to come. We are proud supporters of

Our team develops a wide range of educational programmes with varying topics and content across a spectrum of channels and formats. In COR2ED we apply a tailored approach for all programmes; meeting the needs of the Experts, the Audience and the Supporters.

We collaborate and partner with respected scientific committees to ensure that all programmes meet the criteria for accreditation.

How we work

Every Medical Education Programme aims to translate the latest advances in scientific understanding into clinical practice. This leads to highly effective and engaging programmes.

At COR2ED we adhere to and are compliant with all European regulations for Independent Medical Education. The Scientific Director and/or Organising Committee leading the programme has sole responsibility for the programme and ensures that it addresses clear and pre-identified educational objectives, and presents an objective and scientifically balanced perspective.

The educational programmes are designed to positively reinforce existing good practice with a review of clinical guidelines, highlighting the evolution in scientific knowledge, and driving change in daily clinical practice as appropriate.

All our medical education programmes are tailored towards the audience. At COR2ED our thorough approach is extended to provide a comprehensive review of all programmes and we share this analysis with the supporter and Accrediting Organisations.

Identification educational needs

Proposal development

Grant request

Scientific direction identificacion

Scientific director

Content development

Scientific director

Accreditation request

Assesment request

Assesment approval

Scientific director

Educational programme delivery

Assesment questionnarie

Scientific director

Allocation of CME/CPD credits

Programme analysis and report


"I am very happy we did this project together with COR2ED. We will do it again!"

Medical Director Supporter

"Thank you to the whole team from COR2ED and the Steering Committee: it’s been a pleasure and I hope we can keep collaborating in this or other programmes."


"Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the workshop. I enjoyed being part of the event and found the interaction very educational."


"Thanks so much to your team for this awesome program. It has definitely been a value in explaining and understanding this treatment modality. I hope we can work with your professional team again in the future!"


"It was a real pleasure to work with you, and I am looking forward to working with you in the near future."


"So much more practical than just a formal meeting with only lectures. Many thanks!"
