Pain Management in IUD Placement
Pain Management in IUD Placement
"Pain Management Strategies for IUD Placement: A Guide for Medical Trainees" "Pain Management Strategies for IUD Placement: A Guide for Medical Trainees"Joanne Pearson, Dr Mansoor Raza Mirza, Mrs Melanie O'Neill
Pain is one of the most common and feared experiences when it comes to medical procedures. As a result, pain management is an important component of medical training, particularly in the area of intrauterine device (IUD) placement. IUDs are a safe and effective form of contraception that has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, the procedure can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, painful. Therefore, it is essential that medical professionals are trained to properly manage pain during IUD placement in order to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Pain management during IUD placement involves a variety of techniques, ranging from pre-procedural counseling to the use of medications and local anesthetics. Pre-procedural counseling can help to reduce patient anxiety and provide education about the procedure. Medications such as benzodiazepines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to reduce pain. Local anesthetics can also be used to numb the area and reduce discomfort. In addition to these techniques, medical professionals should also be trained in the use of distraction techniques, such as music or guided imagery, and relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can help to reduce anxiety and provide comfort during the procedure. Pain management during IUD placement is an important component of medical training. By utilizing pre-procedural counseling, medications, local anesthetics, distraction techniques, and relaxation techniques, medical professionals can ensure a successful and comfortable procedure for their patients.Joanne Pearson
Gynaecologic Oncology
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom (UK)
Jo Pearson, RN has been a cancer nurse for over 15 years, beginning her career in SACTadministration in a busy cancer centre before developing an interest in supporting women whohave a gynaecologicalcancer diagnosis. Jo became a Macmillan Gynae/Oncology Clinical NurseSpecialist (CNS) 6 years ago and enjoys supporting women and their families from pre-diagnosisthrough their treatment pathways.Jo has a special interest in cancer genomics having recently completed a course with Guy’s andSt Thomas’,and has established a weekly BRCA consenting and holistic needs clinic. Jo haspresented at national and international forums and has contributed to several publications inrelation to nurse-led PARP clinics and other service development initiatives. Jo is a mother of 2who enjoys live music and travelling.
Joanne Pearson has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Dr Mansoor Raza Mirza
Gynaecologic Oncology
Copenhagen University Hospital
DrMirza is Chief Oncologist at the Dept. of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen UniversityHospital, Denmark and Medical Director of the Nordic Society of GynaecologicOncology-ClinicalTrial Unit (NSGO-CTU). He is also Vice-Chairman of the Danish Society of Gynaecologic Oncology(DGCG).He is author and principal investigator of several phase I, II and III studies and is chair/memberof Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) of several international trials. He is a seniorauthor of national guidelines for the management of endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, vulvarcancer and nonepithelial ovarian cancer as well as NSGO radiotherapy guidelines for cervicaland vulvar cancers.He is an ESMO Faculty Member, Member of the Danish Society of Clinical Oncology (DSKO); theEuropean Society of Gynaecologic Oncology (ESGO), the International Gynaecologic CancerSociety (IGCS), the European Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO), theGynaecologic Oncology Group (GOG, USA) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO).
Dr Mansoor Raza Mirza has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Mrs Melanie O’Neill
United Kingdom (UK)
Having had stage IV inflammatory breast cancer for over 11 years from May 2011 to present time, I have a wealth of experience with the breast care medical profession and can contribute my experiences and opinions from a patient’s perspective.
Mrs Melanie O’Neill has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:
Early onset colorectal cancer
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Mar 2023
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This educational programme is supported by an Independent Medical Education Grant from ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the medical professionals and organizations who have provided us with training in Pain Management in IUD Placement. We are grateful to the medical professionals who have shared their knowledge and experience in this field, and to the organizations that have provided us with the resources and support needed to learn and understand the principles of pain management in IUD placement. We are especially thankful to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and other organizations for their support and guidance. We also thank our instructors, mentors, and colleagues for their invaluable help in our learning journey. We are thankful for the opportunity to learn about pain management in IUD placement, and we are committed to using this knowledge to provide the best possible care for our patients.
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Joanne Pearson
Gynaecologic Oncology
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom (UK)