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Published in Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing: GUIDE Communication Framework

Published in Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing: GUIDE Communication Framework

Sven De Keersmaecker, Fransen McGinley, Nina Grenon

The paper 'GUIDE Communication Framework: Developing Skills to Improve Nurse-Patient Interactions' was published in the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing in December 2021. Read the paper and download the slides to find out more about GUIDE.
Portrait of Sven De Keersmaecker
Sven De Keersmaecker

Study Co-ordinator

Antwerp University Hospital


Portrait of Fransen McGinley
Fransen McGinley

Physicians Assistant

Stephenson Cancer Center

United States (US)

Portrait of Nina Grenon
Nina Grenon

Nurse Practitioner

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

United States (US)

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time | open 20 min | Dec 2021


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GUIDE helps nurses to empower patients through guidance and support. The five letters in GUIDE stand for
Gaining insight into the goals of treatment and care
Understanding the gaps in the patient's knowledge
Informing and educating
Directing to additional support
Empowering patients

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