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Review paper on intermittent vs continuous treatment in the maintenance treatment setting of metastatic colorectal cancer

Review paper on intermittent vs continuous treatment in the maintenance treatment setting of metastatic colorectal cancer

Prof. Tanios Bekaii-Saab, Assoc. Prof. Yu Sunakawa, Dr. Sebastian Stintzing

GI CONNECT members authored a paper ‘Reconsidering the benefit of intermittent versus continuous treatment in the maintenance treatment setting of metastatic colorectal cancer’ with the aim to reconsider the evidence for clinical benefit of intermittent versus continuous treatment in the maintenance treatment setting of mCRC and to evaluate the effect of RAS and BRAF mutational status on maintenance strategies. Access the paper published in Cancer Treatment Reviews and download slides of the key highlights.
Portrait of Tanios Bekail-Saab
Prof. Tanios Bekaii-Saab

Medical Oncologist

Mayo Clinic

United States (US)

Portrait of Yu Sunakawa
Assoc. Prof. Yu Sunakawa

Medical Oncologist

St Marianna University


Portrait of Sebastian Stintzing
Dr. Sebastian Stintzing

GI Medical Oncologist

Charité Universitaetsmedizin


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time | open 0 min | 2016


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GI CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer.

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