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Results from oncology nursing adverse-event management survey presented at EONS14

Results from oncology nursing adverse-event management survey presented at EONS14

Beth Wittmer, Paola Belardi, Paz Fernández Ortega, Natasha Pinheiro

Experts from GI NURSES CONNECT developed an international online survey in order to assess nurses’ perspectives on the management of treatment-related adverse events and how it can be improved. Results were presented at the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) meeting in September 2021. View the poster for the full results and conclusions.
Portrait of Beth Wittmer
Beth Wittmer

Director of Care Management

Florida Cancer Specialists

United States (US)

Portrait of Paola Belardi
Paola Belardi

Nurse Chief

San Donato Hospital


Portrait of Paz Fernández Ortega
Paz Fernández Ortega

Nursing Research Co-ordinator

Catalan Institute of Oncology


Portrait of Natasha Pinheiro
Natasha Pinheiro

Nurse Practitioner

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

United States (US)

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time | open 20 min | Nov 2021


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GI NURSES CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer and from Eisai Europe Limited.

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