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Prostate Cancer Management Masterclass: An Introduction

Prostate Cancer Management Masterclass: An Introduction

Dr. Neal D. Shore, Assoc. Prof. Alicia Morgans, Assoc. Prof. Tanya Dorff, Prof. Evan Yu

Prof. Alicia Morgans summarises the recent interactive Prostate Cancer Management Masterclass.
Portrait of Neal D. Shore
Dr. Neal D. Shore


Carolina Urologic Research Centre and GenesisCare

United States (US)

Portrait of Dr. Alicia Morgans
Assoc. Prof. Alicia Morgans

Medical Oncologist

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

United States (US)

Portrait of Tanya Dorff
Assoc. Prof. Tanya Dorff

Medical Oncologist

City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

United States (US)

Portrait of Evan Yu
Prof. Evan Yu

Medical Oncologist

University of Washington and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

United States (US)

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time | open 5 min | Dec 2020

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Prostate Cancer Management Masterclass: An Introduction


Hi, my name is Alicia Morgans and I am a GU Medical Oncologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago in the United States. I’m delighted to talk with you today about the GU CONNECT Prostate Cancer Masterclass in which I was recently able to participate.


Multi-disciplinary approach


I hosted this masterclass with co-hosts Dr. Tanya Dorff, Dr. Evan Yu and Dr. Neal Shore and together we provided a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of men with prostate cancer.



Importantly we included perspectives from a radiation oncologist and a nuclear medicine physician as well as a nurse practitioner in our multidisciplinary care approaches and our discussions.

International audience


We also were able to engage with an international audience and group of participants who provided questions and really lent their opinions in this very complex treatment paradigm. Some of the focuses that we had during this masterclass were highlighted in two plenary sessions that you can download and review on your own.


Hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer


One was on hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer and considerations for treatment intensification as well as considering treating the local prostate in patients with low volume metastatic disease.


Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer


We also spoke about treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and how we really need to focus on changing mechanism of action and really think about how to best sequence all of the therapies that we have available.


Genetic testing


Finally we thought about genetic testing, we talked about multidisciplinary care and really tried to highlight how we can work together as a multidisciplinary team to get the best outcomes for our patients.


All of these discussions and the plenary sessions are available online on the GU CONNECT website which you can access by going to where you can find all of these resources.


I’m sure that you’ll find it interesting and entertaining and I also encourage you to look for future GU CONNECT and other CONNECT resources in the future.


Thank you so much for your time and I hope you enjoy the resources

Prostate Cancer Management Masterclass: An Introduction


Prof. Alicia Morgans as a faculty member for the GU CONNECT Prostate Cancer Masterclass, quickly explains what you can learn from the educational materials available to you.


  • PLENARY 1: Dr. Neal Shore, and Prof. Alicia Morgans, present Paradigm shift in the management of metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC)
  • PLENARY 2: Prof. Tanya Dorff and Prof. Evan Yu present “Next-generation” sequencing of therapy for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)


Watch the videos and download the slides.

GU CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from AstraZeneca, Bayer and Eisai Europe Limited.

Other programmes of interest

Other programmes developed by Dr. Neal D. Shore

Other programmes developed by Assoc. Prof. Alicia Morgans

Other programmes developed by Assoc. Prof. Tanya Dorff

Other programmes developed by Prof. Evan Yu