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PARP inhibitors in Prostate Cancer

PARP inhibitors in Prostate Cancer

GU CONNECT has developed a comprehensive resource which is available on ESMO OncologyPRO, providing information on PARP inhibitors in prostate cancer GU CONNECT has developed a comprehensive resource which is available on ESMO OncologyPRO, providing information on PARP inhibitors in prostate cancer

Dr. Elena Castro, Dr. Alexander Wyatt, Prof. Gerhardt Attard, Prof. Steven Joniau

Visit the resource on ESMO OncologyPRO
Portrait of Elena Castro
Dr. Elena Castro

Medical Oncologist

Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria


Image of Alexander Wyatt
Dr. Alexander Wyatt

GU Cancer Genomics Expert

Vancouver Prostate Centre, University of British Columbia


Portrait of Gerhardt Attard
Prof. Gerhardt Attard

Medical Oncologist

University College London Cancer Institute

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Steven Joniau
Prof. Steven Joniau


University Hospital Leuven


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time | open 30 min | Sep 2021


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PARP inhibitors in Prostate Cancer

This material has been developed as a resource providing information on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in prostate cancer.

The information included in this material is compiled from a review of the medical literature and expert guidance from Elena Castro (medical oncologist),  Alexander Wyatt (GU cancer genomics expert), Gerhardt Attard (medical oncologist) and Steven Joniau (urologist).

The resource covers the following topics: 

  • The mechanism of action of PARP inhibition and its role in the treatment of prostate cancer
  • Testing strategies to identify DNA Damage Repair (DDR) mutations in prostate cancer, and their prevalence and clinical relevance
    • How to perform genetic counselling
    • The difference between different genomic tests
  • Clinical efficacy and safety profile of PARP inhibitors for patients with prostate cancer
    • Patient selection using genetic/genomic testing results
    • The management of adverse events
  • The place of PARP inhibition in the prostate cancer treatment pathway and future developments
    • The PARP inhibitors in development for prostate cancer
    • The potential combination strategies with PARP inhibitors

COR2ED have donated this content to ESMO to reflect that personalised precision medicine is new for most healthcare professionals treating patients with prostate cancer and that there is a need to provide consensus and practical guidance on this topic.

GU CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from AstraZeneca, Bayer and Eisai Europe Limited.

Other programmes of interest

Other programmes developed by Dr. Elena Castro

Other programmes developed by Prof. Gerhardt Attard

Other programmes developed by Prof. Steven Joniau