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Update from ASH 2018 #2

Update from ASH 2018 #2

LYMPHOMA CONNECT has summarised the highlights from ASH 2018 for you. An Update on Prognostic Factors in Indolent Lymphomas by Prof. Stefano Luminari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Abstract 393 – Luminari et al LYMPHOMA CONNECT has summarised the highlights from ASH 2018 for you. An Update on Prognostic Factors in Indolent Lymphomas by Prof. Stefano Luminari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Abstract 393 – Luminari et al

Prof. Stefano Luminari

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Prof. Stefano Luminari


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia


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time | open 5 min | 2018

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To hear Prof. Stefano Luminari summarising additional abstracts, please visit the links below:
Abstract 2873 – Freeman et al
Abstract 4095 – Silva et al
Abstract 396 – Pott et al

LYMPHOMA & MYELOMA CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer and from Karyopharm Therapeutics.

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