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How will your clinical decisions impact a patient at two key stages in their journey?

How will your clinical decisions impact a patient at two key stages in their journey?

In this interactive patient case study developed by independent experts, you'll meet a patient with TRK fusion-positive lung cancer at initial diagnosis and then again at disease progression two years later.

As you learn about the potential clinical management and treatment options, you'll get the chance to make clinical decisions and see how they impact the patient's trajectory.


Prof Frédérique PENAULT-LLORCA


University of Clermont-Ferrand


Portrait of Ángel Cequier Fillat
Prof. Dr. Ángel Cequier Fillat


University of Barcelona


Portrait of Zuzana Motovska
Prof. Dr. Zuzana Motovska


Charles University

Czech Republic

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Media title 1

time @ASCO23 | open 60 min | May 2023

Clinical Takeaways 

  • Iron deficiency, with or without anaemia, is very common

  • Routinely check iron status in patients with a bleeding disorder

  • With simple measures to replenish iron stocks, you can make a major change in the life of your patient

Media title 2

time @ASCO23 | open 29 min | May 2023

Clinical Takeaways 

  • Iron deficiency, with or without anaemia, is very common

  • Routinely check iron status in patients with a bleeding disorder

  • With simple measures to replenish iron stocks, you can make a major change in the life of your patient

Media title 3

time @ASCO23 | open 15 min | May 2023

Clinical Takeaways 

  • Iron deficiency, with or without anaemia, is very common

  • Routinely check iron status in patients with a bleeding disorder

  • With simple measures to replenish iron stocks, you can make a major change in the life of your patient

Brought to you by COR2ED in collaboration with the CONNECTs, groups of international experts working in oncology

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