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Somatostatin Receptor Ligand device attribute survey

Somatostatin Receptor Ligand device attribute survey

Prof. Dr. Jeroen Dekervel, Prof. Dr. Ángel Cequier Fillat, Dr Jose Santos, Prof. Maria Luisa Brandi

A survey to identify the key Somatostatin Receptor Ligand (SRL) device attributes that lead to the best injection experience in people living with acromegaly and NET, as well as those caring for them. The HCP and patient/caregiver surveys have been developed by a Scientific Committee comprising Endocrinologists, Nurses and Patient Advocates from the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations (WAPO) and the International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA).


We are seeking responses from people living with acromegaly and NET, caregivers, nurses and physicians in Denmark, Norway, Spain and the USA.


Jeroen Dekervel
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Dekervel

GI Oncologist

UZ Leuven


Portrait of Ángel Cequier Fillat
Prof. Dr. Ángel Cequier Fillat


University of Barcelona


Jose Santos
Dr Jose Santos




Prof Maria Luisa Brandi
Prof. Maria Luisa Brandi


FIRMO Foundation, Florence


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time Survey | open 22 min | Jul 2022

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time Survey | open 60 min | Jul 2022

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This educational programme is supported by an Independent Medical Education Grant from This programme is supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer

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