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Appropriate selection of patients for combination immunotherapy in HCC: video, slides and E-Learning now available #1

Appropriate selection of patients for combination immunotherapy in HCC: video, slides and E-Learning now available #1

Dr. Amit Singal, Prof. Sammy Saab, Prof. Dr. Peter R. Galle

The Experts Knowledge Share titled “Appropriate selection of patients for combination immunotherapy in HCC: the now and the next”, covered key topics such as: treatment and sequencing in advanced and unresectable HCC, stratification of patients with HCC and a look to future treatments.
Portrait of Amit Singal
Dr. Amit Singal

Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

UT Southwestern Medical Center

United States (US)

Portrait of Sammy Saab
Prof. Sammy Saab

Gastroenterologist and Transplant Hepatologist

David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA

United States (US)

Portrait of Peter R. Galle
Prof. Dr. Peter R. Galle


University of Mainz


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time | open 55 min | Jul 2021

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HCC CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer and from Eisai Europe Limited.

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Other programmes developed by Prof. Dr. Peter R. Galle