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Review paper on prophylaxis in children with haemophilia

Review paper on prophylaxis in children with haemophilia

Prof. Karin Fijnvandraat, Prof. Christoph Male, Prof. Christoph Königs, Prof. Gili Kenet, Prof. Jan Blatný, Dr. Maria Elisa Mancuso, Prof. Kaan Kavakli

The Hemostasis CONNECT European Collaborative Haemophilia Network (ECHN) Group is proud to announce publication of the review paper: Prophylaxis in children with haemophilia in an evolving treatment landscape.
Portrait of Karin Fijnvandraat
Prof. Karin Fijnvandraat

Paediatric Haematologist

University of Amsterdam


Portrait of Christoph Male
Prof. Christoph Male

Paediatric Haematologist

Medical University of Vienna


Portrait of Christoph Königs
Prof. Christoph Königs

Paediatric Haematologist

University Hospital Frankfurt


Portrait of Gili Kenet
Prof. Gili Kenet


National Hemophilia Center and Thrombosis Institute in Tel Hashom...


Portrait of Jan Blatný
Prof. Jan Blatný

Paediatric Haematologist

Children's University Hospital Brno

Czech Republic

Portrait of Maria Elisa Mancuso
Dr. Maria Elisa Mancuso


Center of Thrombosis and Hemorrhagic Diseases of Humanitas Clinic...


Portrait of Kaan Kavakli
Prof. Kaan Kavakli

Paediatric Haematologist

Ege University


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time | open 5 min | Sep 2021


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This paper is published in the journal Haemophilia and is authored by ECHN members Dr. Maria Elisa Mancuso (Italy), Prof. Christoph Male (Austria), Prof. Gili Kenet (Israel), Dr. Kaan Kavakli (Turkey), Dr. Christoph Königs (Germany), Prof. Jan Blatný (Czech Republic) and Prof. Karin Fijnvandraat (The Netherlands). Based on literature and practical experience, the authors discuss when to start prophylaxis in young children, the pros and cons of the products available and practical aspects of starting prophylaxis to guide the choice of regimen.


View the e publication here.  Download the slides for a summary of the key highlights.

HEMOSTASIS CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Takeda.

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