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Programme: SCORM Example

Programme: SCORM Example

Joanne Pearson, Prof. Dr. Ángel Cequier Fillat, Prof. Dr. Uwe Zeymer, Prof. Dr. Gilles Montalescot, Prof. Dr. Zuzana Motovska

In this micro e-learning you will learn about the potential existence of von Willebrand disease, be able to recognise the signs and symptoms, understand how you can help diagnose and care for a patient with VWD. Watch the short video, download the flashcard and slides, and take the assessment to check your knowledge.

Joanne Pearson

Gynaecologic Oncology

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

United Kingdom (UK)

Portrait of Ángel Cequier Fillat
Prof. Dr. Ángel Cequier Fillat


University of Barcelona


Portrait of Uwe Zeymer
Prof. Dr. Uwe Zeymer


Heart Center Ludwigshafen


Portrait of Gilles Montalescot
Prof. Dr. Gilles Montalescot


Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital


Portrait of Zuzana Motovska
Prof. Dr. Zuzana Motovska


Charles University

Czech Republic

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SCORM Example

time | open 60 min |accreditation: EACCME | Mar 2023

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This micro e-learning programme consists of three modules aiming to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of the existence, diagnosis, treatment and implications of von Willebrand disease among healthcare professionals outside of haematology.

Upon completion of the three modules, you will:

  • be aware of the potential existence of von Willebrand disease in your patient population

  • be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of von Willebrand disease

  • understand how to search for von Willebrand disease, effectively using the screening tools available and signposting patients towards earlier diagnosis

  • be aware of the impact of von Willebrand disease on other care

This micro e-learning is endorsed by:


This course has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) and ECMEC® is available. Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) and the American Medical Association (AMA), physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

This educational programme is supported by an Independent Medical Education Grant from Ultragenyx, PharmaMar, Novonordisk, Pfizer.

HEMOSTASIS CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Takeda.

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