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ITI in the era of emicizumab: paper published in Haemophilia

ITI in the era of emicizumab: paper published in Haemophilia

Dr. Katharina Holstein, Prof. Jan Astermark, Prof. Victor Jiménez-Yuste, Prof. Pål Andrè Holme, Prof. Angelika Batorova, Assoc. Prof. Sandra Le Quellec, Assoc. Prof. Robert Klamroth

The HEMOSTASIS CONNECT European Collaborative Haemophilia Network (ECHN) Group is proud to announce the publication of the paper: Immune tolerance induction in the era of emicizumab - still the first choice for patients with haemophilia A and inhibitors?
Portrait of Katharina Holstein
Dr. Katharina Holstein


Univeristy Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)


Portrait of Jan Astermark
Prof. Jan Astermark


Lund University and Skån University Hospital


Portrait of Victor Jiménez-Yuste
Prof. Victor Jiménez-Yuste


La Paz University Hospital


Portrait of Pal Andre Holme
Prof. Pål Andrè Holme


Oslo University Hospital


Portrait of Angelika Batorova
Prof. Angelika Batorova


University Hospital Bratislava


Portrait of Sandra La Quellec
Assoc. Prof. Sandra Le Quellec



Portrait of Robert Klamroth
Assoc. Prof. Robert Klamroth


Vivantes Hospital Friedrichshain


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time | open 60 min | Dec 2021


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The development of inhibitors to factor VIII (FVIII) is a serious complication of clotting factor replacement therapy associated with increased morbidity and mortality. According to guidelines patients with inhibitors should have access to immune tolerance induction (ITI) for eradication of inhibitors and to suitable haemostatic agents at specialized centres. 

The European Collaborative Haemophilia Network (ECHN) conducted a survey on the use of ITI in Europe.  Results have recently been published in the journal Haemophilia.

Access the publication and download the summary slide kit.


Dr. Holstein will be hosting a webinar on ITI on Wednesday June 1st as part of the National Hemophilia Foundation Wednesday Webinar series.

HEMOSTASIS CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Takeda.

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